Abstract submission
Abstract submissions
We invite abstracts (both oral and poster) of original research on Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Plant Science & Agriculture, Fisheries & Aquaculture, Agricultural Economics and Business, Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering and other allied disciplines.
Students and early career researchers are encouraged to submit abstract.
- Oral will be 12 minutes long with an additional 3 minutes for questions.
- Poster format requirements will be communicated closer to the time.
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Please submit your abstract through the following link
- The official language is English
- The abstract should be maximum 250 words.
- Abstract should include purpose of study, methodology, summary of findings/results, conclusion and significance / contributions of study.
- The title of abstract should be clear and concise reflecting the objective and content.
- Use this Template (doc) to prepare your abstract.
- Abstract submitted post or in-person cannot be accepted. All abstracts have to be submitted through the online submission system below.