International Conference on Advanced Agricultural Research



  • Each oral session will be consist of a good mixer of longer presentations (known as Oral) and shorter presentations (known as Speed talk).
  • Each oral speaker in each session will be allocated a 10-minute time (around 10 slides) for the presentation.
  • Each Speed talk speaker in each session will be allocated 5-minute time slot for the presentation. In Speed talk presentation you may present key-ideas, results and their meaning/implication in 4/5 slides.
  • In order to allow the sessions to run smoothly and on time, all presentations are expected to adhere strictly to the time slot.
  • All presentations should be in PowerPoint format with .pptx or .ppt file format.
  • Session Chairs are requested to strictly follow the schedule.
  • All Speed Talk presenters will receive a separate email shortly.



  • Poster session will be held during the tea breaks period and posters can be mounted from during the afternoon of 23 May (Thursday).  You will find your presentation ID on the poster board and posters should be mounted according to ID. Posters must be removed before the closing session.
  • Poster presenters are expected to be present during the poster sessions to answer questions.
  • Poster must be portrait orientation with the following size specifications that needs to be strictly followed.

47 inches (120 cm) vertical height x 33 inches (84 cm) horizontal width.

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